Hacks, Cracks, Serials and Keygens for Ubercode
Some websites offer pirated software, or software that has been unlawfully modified. Pirate
versions usually have no software protection, and they may include unwelcome elements such as
spyware, trojans, rootkits and viruses (collectively known as malware).
Why do hackers / pirates do this?
They claim to provide a service offering so-called 'free downloads', 'hacks', 'cracks',
'serials' and 'key generators'. These unauthorized downloads may include spyware, trojans, rootkits
or viruses. Once installed, these elements are very difficult to remove.
What's in it for them?
Hackers may gain financially as they sometimes sell hacked software to the unsuspecting
downloader. The downloader loses out on two counts. (1) they lose out financially, and
(2) they run a real risk of malware being installed on their computer without their
Once a computer is infected by a trojan or rootkit, it becomes useful to other hackers. Whenever
the infected computer is connected to the internet it can be remotely controlled by the hacker, and
may be used to attack other computers in an attempt to spread the trojan. Trojans are sometimes
used to upload personal financial details from the infected computer. In some cases, infected
computers and stolen financial details have 'value' on the black market.
Why should I avoid websites with hacked downloads?
- There is a danger of 'drive-by' infection. This is where a website is deliberately created with
harmful HTML elements that may infect your computer.
- The cracked versions do not have technical support, because the hackers have no in-depth
knowledge or interest in the software.
- The cracked versions are in breach of the copyright and licence agreement.
- There is a serious danger of spyware, trojans, rootkits and viruses being installed on the
downloading computer.
- Income from the bogus 'sale' goes to the hacker instead of the original developer who has done
all the work.
How can I safely try / buy Ubercode?
- There is a free download available on this website. This allows
you to safely try out Ubercode.
- You can securely order online from this website. The credit card processor uses secure HTML and
keeps all information confidential.
- All registered copies can be safely downloaded using a secure link. The link uses a password
protected location.
- All versions of Ubercode are scanned against viruses and other malware.
- All legitimate customers are given a valid registration number and enjoy full technical